Haizetara Festival´s Aim

Haizetara Street Bands, fanfarre and Street Music International Contest is being organized by the local goverment of Amorebieta-Etxano.

The main aim is to organize a cultural event that spread around the world and that way the festival will  achieve the promotion of this kind of music and music bands and fanfarreas. The town Amorebieta-Etxano will become a music reference where new music tendencies will be shown off.

When and where it will be held

Haizetara 2024 will be held on 21st, 22nd and 23rd of June 2024 within the municipality of Amorebieta-Etxano.

Bands, Registration and selection

The competition is open to any band that performs street musical gigs or shows which has previously been selected by the organization.

The deadline for registering is 15th February 2024, by filling in the form found in the website www.haizetara.eus.


The selection of the participating bands will be carried out by the professionals at Amorebieta-Etxano local goverment. The decision will be taken based on the CVs as well as the audio-visual materials (video, DVD, CD…) that all the registered bands will have to send to the address shown in the previous section. The following judging criteria will be taken into account:

–     Artistic quality of the proposals

–     Diversity of the musical styles.

–     Diversity of the origin of the bands.


The list of the selected bands will be released in April 2024.
All the registered bands, selected or not, will be informed about the bands that have been chosen.

Commitments of the participants

The selected groups should perform at least four times during the length of the contest, which is three days; once on Friday, twice on Saturday and once on Sunday morning. Places and times will be previously notified by the organisers.

The festival will start on Friday, 21st june, at 19.00 hours with a presentation act where all the bands that have been chosen will have to take part. The awards will be held on Sunday 23rd at 13.00. The participating groups have to be necessarily there in this two acts.


All the necessary technical and musical materials to actually play their performances will be on the charge of the participants.

Commitments of the organisers

The organisers will provide accommodation (days 20, 21,22  or 21, 22, 23), lunch (day 22) and dinner (days 21 and 22) for the participanting bands.

Expenses will be covered for all the musicians plus 1 companion in each band.

The participating bands will receive €5,000 for taking part in the competition (all taxes included). In the case of tax-exempt organisations they should provide the supporting documents. Participating bands with less than 6 musicians or those coming from a town within the area of 300 kilometres from Amorebieta will receive €2,500 (all taxes included). In the case of tax-exempt organisations they should provide the supporting documents.

The organisers of the competition could agree with some of the selected bands a different amount of money to the stated above according to exceptional circumstances.


The following prizes will be given:

Best Band of the competition: €15,000. This prize will be decided by a jury, chosen for this purpose, by the President of Ametx erakunde autonomoa. The jury will be selected among prestigious professionals in the world of music and the performing arts.

People’s Choice Award: €4,000. It will be decided as the competition takes place through people’s votes.

In case of coincidence between the Jury Award and the People’s Choice Award, the People’s Choice Award would be given to the second most voted band.

Outstanding Performer Award: €1,000. This award for the most outstanding instrumentalist will be decided by the jury.


The jury will be formed by prestigious music and performing art professionals and the President of Ametx Erankunde Autonomoa will be the one who will chose it.

The jury´s decision is final.

The jury´s decision is final.